
Personal Human lmmune System Mice: Accelerating the Translation of lmmuno-therapies from Bench to Bedside

Register Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/genobiotx-february-2025-webinar-tickets-1228646116609?aff=oddtdtcreator Date: Meet Our Speaker: Dr. Huang earned a Ph.D. in 2004 from the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at Peking University Health Science Center (2004–2006). Dr. Huang has dedicated over 15 years to groundbreaking research in the United States at prestigious institutions, including Albert Einstein […]


SmocMabTM: Fully Human AntibodyTransgenic Mice Tailored to YourAntigen in 3 Months

Who We Are GenoBioTX is a well-known contract research organization (CRO) providing genetically engineered animal models, and preclinical drug discovery services to biopharmaceutical companies and life science researchers. Our Services Generate KO HOM mice in just 3 months Intergrated antibody discovery platform YouMabTM fully human antibody transgenic mouse Antibody evaluation Why choose us


Advancing Cancer Therapy: Harnessing In Vivo Tumor Models for Breakthrough Drug Development

Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1021029977147?aff=oddtdtcreator Date: Wednesday, Oct 2nd, 2024; 11:00 am PST, or 2:00 pm EST Webinar Highlights: Join us for an insightful webinar exploring the critical role of in vivo tumor models in advancing cancer drug therapy. We will provide an overview of the diverse tumor models developed by our company, highlighting case studies demonstrating […]


Why We Need Humanized Mice?

You may have come across accumulating reports uncovering biomedical breakthroughs which all use humanized mice in vivo assays. So, you may wonder, what is a humanized mouse and why is it so commonly used in biomedical research? Humanized mouse is generally referred to as a mouse has been xenotransplanted with human cells and/or engineered to express human gene products, so as to be applied to […]


Some Basics about Cre-lox and Inducible Cre in Mouse Modeling

Cre-lox system, characterized by simple manipulation and high-efficiency recombinase, has been employed as a powerful tool of gene-editing. Application of Cre-lox system can achieve time-specific knock-out and knock-in of target genes in specified cells, tissues, and organisms, thereby regulating genes of interest spatiotemporally, which has profound impact on research of genetic function and animal modeling. […]


How to Verify Your Cre-lox Model

Now that the genetically engineered mice that carry a Cre-conditional (“floxed”) allele in target gene are at your hand. And the mice are supposed to express Cre in target tissue. The validation of your Cre-lox model become very indispensable, so here we advise you of some essential steps. Genotype the mice When unexpected phenotypes are observed during your working with mice, the […]


These Mice Are About to Go Viral Because of the Nobel Prize!

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been announced, and the winners are two American scientists, Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, in recognition of their discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation. This discovery is considered a major breakthrough following the central dogma of molecular biology. The Nobel Committee stated […]


Enhancing Your Research: How GenoBioTX’s Gene Editing Technology Empowers Research Breakthroughs

Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/genobiotx-monthly-webinar-tickets-1053785844829 Date: Wednesday, Oct 30th, 2024; 11:00 am PDT, or 2:00 pm EDT Webinar Highlights: This seminar will introduce GenoBioTX’s gene editing platform and technology, highlighting how these techniques can enhance your research projects. We will cover the history of genome editing, provide an overview of GenoBioTX’s gene editing platform and technology, and present […]

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