Overcome the Hurdle to Generate High Affinity and Diversity Antibodies to Self- or High Homology Antigens

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  • Thursday, Aug 28th, 2024; 2:00 pm EDT or 11:00 am PDT

Webinar Highlights:

This webinar will explore various methods for generating monoclonal antibodies, emphasizing the challenges of producing high-affinity antibodies to self or highly homologous antigens. Traditional methods, like in vitro screening and hybridoma-derived antibodies post-immunization, are cost-effective but struggle with these targets. Alternative approaches, such as fusion expression with T cell epitopes and autoimmune mouse models, have had limited success. Immunizing genetic knockout mice with the target protein is another strategy, though its application is limited by the availability of knockout animals. Genobiotx offers a solution with its extensive knockout mouse strains and technology, enabling the production of high-affinity antibodies within six months.

Meet Our Speaker:

Dongxiao Feng, Vice President of GenoBioTX, he got his PhD from Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and has postdoctral experiences at Oxford University and University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Feng has 30 years experiences in monoclonal antibody development using hydridoma, phage and yeast display methods. He also led the development of the second generation of Humab mice at BMS and a fully human antibody transgenic mouse platform in China, 2 antibody drugs developed by Dr. Feng's team have been approved in China and at phase III clinical stage in US. He joined Genobiotx 2 years ago as the vice president of business development.

About GenoBioTX

GenoBioTX provides comprehensive animal modeling services, ranging from model construction to preclinical in vitro and in vivo assays, based on the combination of versatile technical platforms and experienced scientist.

Contact us

Website: www.genobiotx.com
Email: info@genobiotx.com
Address: 10410 Corporate Dr., Sugar Land, TX, 77478, USA

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    Overcome the Hurdle to Generate High Affinity and Diversity Antibodies to Self- or High Homology Antigens

    Registration link:  https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zp48kyBhSH2rHpm_adFNIw Date: Thursday, Aug 28th, 2024; 2:00 pm EDT or 11:00 am PDT Webinar Highlights: This webinar will explore various methods for generating monoclonal antibodies, emphasizing the challenges of producing high-affinity antibodies to self or highly homologous antigens. Traditional methods, like in vitro screening and hybridoma-derived antibodies post-immunization, are cost-effective but struggle with […]


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