Axi1, Axil, Conductin
Fig. 1 CreERT2-mediated recombination in the villi and crypts of small Intestine of Prom1-CreERT2; Rosa26-tdTomato mice after tamoxifen treatment.
Fig. 2 CreERT2-mediated recombination in the alveoli of Axin2-CreERT2; Rosa26-tdTomato mice after tamoxifen treatment.
Fig.3 Tdtomato was also abundantly expressed in brain, large intestine, small intestine, kidney, liver, lung, ovary (leaky expression), and uterus (leaky expression); expressed in brown fat, eye, heart valve, muscle, pancreas, stomach and thymus (leaky expression). There was a small amount of expression in salivary glands and spleen.(For more information please contact: 400-728-0660.)
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