HSA, Cd24, Ly-52, nectadrin
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Fig1. Detection of CD24 expression in spleen and brain by RT-PCR. Wild type: only one band at 175 bp with primers F1/R1(mCd24);Homozygous: only one band at 202 bp with primers F2/R2(hCD24); Abbr.. M, DNA marker; HO, homozygous; HE, heterozygous; WT, wild type.
Fig2. Detection of hCD24 expression on B cells and T cells in blood in hCD24 KI mice.
Fig3. Detection of hCD24 expression on macrophages, neutrophils and DCs in blood in hCD24 KI mice.
Fig4. Detection of hCD24 expression on B cells and T cells in spleen in hCD24 KI mice.
Fig5. Detection of hCD24 expression on macrophages, neutrophils and DCs in spleen in hCD24 KI mice.
Fig6. Detection of hCD24 expression on RBC (red blood cells) in hCD24 KI mice.
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