Mody, Ins-2, InsII, Mody4, AA986540
Sperm cryopreservation
Fig 1. CreERT2-mediated recombination in pancreas of Ins2CreERT2/+; Rosa26tdTomato/+ mice.
Fig 2. Detection of tdTomato(red) in various tissues of Ins2CreERT2/+; Rosa26tdTomato/+ mice. Expression tissues include: pancreas, brain(choroid plexus). A few cells expressed in lung, stomach, small intestine, testis, thymus. Tissues that unexpressed include spinal cord, retina, liver, heart, salivary glands, brown fat, adrenal gland, kidneys, colon, spleen, muscle, skin. (7.3-week old, male) (For more detailed information please contact our technical advisor.)
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