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Fig1. Analysis of Cas9 expression profile by Western Blot. The CAG-Cas9 KI mice express Cas9 in heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, stomach, cortex, cerebellum, testis and muscle.
J***: Cas9 KI mice from other peers
CAG-Cas9: R26-CAG-Cas9 mice (NM-KI-00120) obtained by R26-CAG-LNL-Cas9(NM-KI-00038) crossed with Ella-Cre
Cas9-krab: R26-CAG-3XKRAB-dCas9-IRES-EGFP(NM-KI-18007)
Fig2. Detection of CAS9 expression in R26-CAG-CAS9 mice by WB.
Abbr. M, marker; WT, wild type; HO, homozygous; WAT, white adipose tissue; BAT, brown adipose tissue.
Note. 60 μg of total protein were loaded for BAT and skeletal muscle, and 20 μg for other tissues.
Fig.3 Detection of CAS9 expression in T cells in R26-CAG-CAS9 mice by WB.
Abbr. M, marker; WT, wild type; HO, homozygous.
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