R26, ROSA26, AV258896, Gtrgeo26, Gtrosa26, Thumpd3as1
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Fig1. In the absence of any stimulation, the in vivo imaging system detected that R26-CAG-LSL-luci-tdTomato(+/-);Dppa3-Cre (+/-) mice showed significant fluorescence.
Fig2. The in vivo imaging system detected that R26-CAG-LSL-luci-tdTomato(+/-) mice showed some fluorescence. Some 'leaking' was found where luciferase were being expressed at a low level even without Cre.
Fig. 3 Detection of tdTomato(red) in the liver, stomach, small intestine and large intestine of Dppa3Cre/+; Rosa26Luc-tdTomato/+ mice.
Fig. 4 Detection of tdTomato(red) in various tissues of Dppa3Cre/+; Rosa26Luc-tdTomato/+ mice. Tdtomato was expressed in the brain, eye, heart, spleen, kidney, pancreas, thymus, salivary glands, lung, skin, spinal cord, testis and epididymis. (For more detailed information please contact our technical advisor.)
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