GAT4, Gat3, Gabt4, D930045G19Rik, E130202I16Rik
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Fig.1 CreERT2-mediated recombination in the cerebral cortex of Slc6a11-CreERT2; Rosa26-tdTomato mice after tamoxifen treatment.
Fig. 2 CreERT2-mediated recombination in the cerebral ganglion of Slc6a11-CreER; Rosa26-tdTomato mice after tamoxifen treatment.
Fig3 Labeling was also observed in pituitary, retina, individual cells of submaxillary gland, large intestine and brown fat, but not in lung, liver, stomach, kidney, pancreas, small intestine, epidermis, cardiac muscle, testis, skeletal muscle, and heart valves(For more information please contact: 400-728-0660.)
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