AV220920, mKIAA4243, 2010306G03Rik
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Fig. 1 CreERT2-mediated recombination in the heart of Sox9CreERT2/+;R26tdtomato/+ mouse. TdTomato can be detected in the heart of Sox9CreERT2/+;R26tdtomato/+ mouse. (Documented in the following reference.)
Fig. 2 CreERT2-mediated recombination in the heart of Sox9CreERT2 /+; Rosa26tdTomato/+ mouse. TdTomato(red) expression can be detected in some cells of ventricle and atria derived from Sox9CreERT2 /+; Rosa26tdTomato/+ mouse after tamoxifen treatment.
Fig. 3 CreERT2-mediated recombination in the hair follicles of Sox9CreERT2 /+; Rosa26tdTomato/+ mouse. TdTomato(red) expression can be detected in the hair follicles and epidermis derived from Sox9CreERT2 /+; Rosa26tdTomato/+ mouse.
Fig. 4 CreERT2-mediated recombination in the liver of Sox9CreERT2 /+; Rosa26tdTomato/+ mouse. TdTomato(red) expression can be detected in the liver of Sox9CreERT2 /+; Rosa26tdTomato/+ mouse.
Fig. 5 Detection of tdTomato(red) in various tissues of Sox9CreERT2/+; Rosa26tdTomato/+ mice. CreERT2 mediated recombination can be detected in the heart, hair follicles and epidermis. Tdtomato expression can be also detected in individual cells derived from liver, brain, pituitary gland, retina, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, lung, submandibular gland, kidney, pancreas, spleen, thymus and ovary, except for brown fat tissue and muscle. (For more detailed information please contact our technical advisor.)
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