hPD-1(NM-HU-00015) was crossed with Cd8a-IRES-Luc-2A-EGFP(NM-KI-18030) to generate hPD-1/Cd8a-IRES-Luc-2A-EGFP mice
Rat models carrying knock-in or transgenic fluorescent reporter genes for gene expression profiling and visual analysis, protein subcellular localization, and genetic lineage tracing.
Cre mice are genetically engineered laboratory models used to activate or deactivate specific genes in targeted tissues, enabling precise studies of gene function and disease mechanisms
The tetracycline (tet)-regulated expression system permits the inducible overexpression of protein-coding. The protein expression is commonly achieved by crossing mice carrying a TRE promoter cassette transgene with mice carrying a tet transactivator transgene resulting in progeny carrying both genetic components.
CRISPR-Cas is a versatile genome editing technology for studying the functions of genetic elements. To broadly enable the application of CRISPR-associated nucleases(cas9, dcas9, Cas13d) in vivo, we established a set of Cre-dependent Cas knockin mouse models.
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