

Enhancing Your Research: How GenoBioTX’s Gene Editing Technology Empowers Research Breakthroughs

Registration link: Date: Wednesday, Oct 30th, 2024; 11:00 am PDT, or 2:00 pm EDT Webinar Highlights: This seminar will introduce GenoBioTX’s gene editing platform and technology, highlighting how these techniques can enhance your research projects. We will cover the history of genome editing, provide an overview of GenoBioTX’s gene editing platform and technology, and present […]


These Mice Are About to Go Viral Because of the Nobel Prize!

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been announced, and the winners are two American scientists, Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, in recognition of their discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional gene regulation. This discovery is considered a major breakthrough following the central dogma of molecular biology. The Nobel Committee stated […]


New Service Launch: Mouse Bone Metastasis Cancer Model and Pain-Related Behavior Assessment!

What is Bone Cancer Pain?  Cancer-induced Bone Pain (CIBP) or Bone Cancer Pain (BCP) is a type of pain caused by the invasion of tumors (such as primary bone tumors or bone metastases from breast cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, lung cancer, etc.) into the bones [1]. This pain can severely impact a patient’s mental state […]


Overcome the Hurdle to Generate High Affinity and Diversity Antibodies to Self- or High Homology Antigens

Registration link: Date: Webinar Highlights: This webinar will explore various methods for generating monoclonal antibodies, emphasizing the challenges of producing high-affinity antibodies to self or highly homologous antigens. Traditional methods, like in vitro screening and hybridoma-derived antibodies post-immunization, are cost-effective but struggle with these targets. Alternative approaches, such as fusion expression with T cell […]

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