TR, TFR, p90, CD71, TFR1, Trfr, Mtvr1, 2610028K12Rik, E430033M20Rik
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Fig1. Detection of mRNA expression in hTFR1/CD71 knockin mice by RT-PCR.
Wild type: only one band at 439 bp with primers F1/R1;
Heterozygous: one band at 439 bp with primers F1/R1 and one band at 219 bp with primers F2/R2;
Abbr.. M, DNA marker; HE, heterozygous; WT, wild type.
Fig2. Detection of human TFR1 expression in hTFR1 mice by WB.
Abbr. HO, homozygous; WT, wild type.
Fig3. Expression characterization of human TFR1 on activated T cells in spleen in hTFR1 knockin mice.
Fig4. Detection of human TFR1 expression on erythroid cells in hTFR1 knockin mice-derived bone marrow.
Fig5. Pattern of expression of activation markers overtime on activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells upon anti-mCD3/mCD28 treatment.
Note: The splenocytes were stimulated with anti-mCD3/mCD28 antibody in vitro.
Fig6. Detection of hTFR1 expression on endothelial cells in hTFR1 knokcin mice by immunofluorescence staining.
Fig7. In vivo evaluation of TFR1-targeting therapeutic agents in hTFR1 knockin mice.
In vivo knock-down efficiency of hTFR1-targted siRNA in liver and heart in hTFR1 knockin mice.
Fig8. In vivo evaluation of TFR1-targeting therapeutic agents in hTFR1 knockin mice.
hTFR1/CD71 knockin mice were injected with a control antibody (10mg/kg) and an antibody (10 mg/kg) against human TFR1 via i.v. injection.
Brain tissues and serums were taken after 18 hr post administration. Brain concentrations, serum concentrations and brain-to-serum ratio of antibodies were quantified. As shown in the figure, hTfr binding antibody exhibited higher serum clearance and enhanced brain exposure.
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