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Strain Name:B6;129S-Rag2tm1(loxP-EGFP-PolyA-loxP-Neo-loxP)Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-00070

A loxP-EGFP-PolyA-loxP-Neo-loxP expression cassette was knocked into the Rag2 gene start codon site. As a Rag2 knockout mouse model, this stain can be used in subcutaneous inoculation of liver cancer tissues and tumor cells. Tumors can esaily form and grow. The amount of T and B lymphocytes in peripheral blood of mice was extremely low tested by FACS, which was comparable to or lower than that of Nude mice, and there was a significant difference compared with wild type mice. The pathological sections of HE staining of tumor tissues showed that the tumor sections of Rag2 KO mice and Nude mice were similar. This strain has the potential to replace Nude, NOD-SCID mice as a tumor-bearing mouse model.



Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Tg(CAG-LSL-dCas9-SPH)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-TG-00025

Cre-dependent SunTag-p65-HSF1 (SPH) transgenic mice were generated with piggyBac transposon system in F1 zygotes and crossed with wild type C57BL/6 mice., SPH transgenic mouse containing HA-tagged dCas9 fused with 10xGCN4, which is linked with p65-HSF1 and EGFP in tandem via P2A and T2A respectively. The transgene is driven by the ubiquitous CAG promoter and interrupted by a loxP-stop-loxP (LSL) cassette to render Cas9 expression inducible by the Cre recombinase. Expression of dCas9 can be detected using primary antibody: rabbit monoclonal antibody to HA-tag (1:1000, #3724, CST45) and secondary antibody: goat anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 488 (1:1000, #A-11034, Thermo Fisher).



Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Havcr2em1(hHAVCR2)/Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-HU-00054

The endogenous mouse Tim3 gene was replaced by human TIM3 gene .



Strain Name:B6.Cg-Tg(CAG-GFP)Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-TG-00005

These mice carry enhanced green fluorescent protein gene driven by CAG promoter.



Strain Name:NOD-Prkdcscid Il2rgem1Albem1(2A-DTRGFP)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-215047

2A-DTRGFP expression cassette was knocked into the Alb gene.



Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Aplnrem1(2A-DreERT2)Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-00132

A 2A-DreERT2-SV40polyA coexpression cassette is inserted befor the stop codon of mouse Aplnr gene via homologous recombination to establish a tamoxifen inducible Aplnr-DreERT2 tool stain. This strain can be used to knockout target gene in Aplnr+ cells after tamoxifen treatment when crossed with mice which carry rox sites flanking target gene.



Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Nectin2tm1(hNECTIN2)/Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-HU-2000084

The endogenous mouse Nectin2 gene was replaced by human PVRL2 gene.



Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-C5ar1em1(hC5AR1)Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-HU-204989

The endogenous mice C5ar1 gene was replaced by human C5AR1 gene.



Strain Name:B6.129S-Lag3tm1(hLAG3)Smoc
Strain State:Embryo cryopreservation | Cat. NO.:NM-HU-00049

The endogenous mouse Lag3 gene exon1-7 was replaced by human LAG3 gene extracellular region by homologous recombination.



Strain Name:C57BL/6Smoc-Col2a1em1(2A-CreERT2)Smoc
Strain State:Repository Live | Cat. NO.:NM-KI-18029

A 2A-CreERT2 expression cassette was knocked into the  stop codon of Col2a1 gene to establish a Col2a1-CreERT2 recombinase tool mouse.The strain cannot breed homozygotes, and it is recommended to use heterozygotes for research.

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